But only 40 percent of that sum came from issuing equity and retaining earnings, the purest forms of capital that investors trust most. 但其中仅40%来自发行股票和留存收益,这是两种最纯粹的资本形式,最受投资者信赖。
It invests in stocks with a high return on equity and stable earnings growth. 它投资的是净资产收益率高、利润增长稳定的股票。
Does Overvalued Equity Lead to Income-increasing Earnings Management? Empirical Evidence from China's Listed Companies Empirical Analysis of Trading Character of Stock Price Manipulation of China Securities Market 价值被高估的上市公司操纵盈余吗?&来自沪深证券市场的经验证据我国股票市场价格操纵交易特征实证研究
But the banks will also have to subtract items such as goodwill, some tax credits and minority investments from equity and retained earnings. 但银行还必须从股本和留存收益中扣除商誉、部分税收抵免和少数股权投资等项目。
Prop trading is not as profitable over the long run as many realise, but if banks are also forced to stop investing in hedge funds and private equity, normalised earnings could fall by about 2 per cent, according to Goldman Sachs. 从长期来看,自营交易的利润并不像许多人以为的那样丰厚,但如果银行还被迫停止对对冲基金和私人股本的投资,据高盛(goldmansachs)估计,正常盈利水平可能会下降2%左右。
Chief among the pending challenges for equity markets are earnings and data, led by March retail sales figures due today, with industrial production and consumer price reports tomorrow. 股市面临的首要挑战是一季度业绩和经济数据,首先是将于今日发布的3月零售销售数据,其次是明日的工业生产和消费价格指数。
If one had used a narrower definition equity and retained earnings only the results would almost surely have been different. 如果人们用的是更狭义的界定标准仅用股本和留存收益那么结果几乎肯定会不一样。
■ Only a portion of these earnings can be considered to be driven by brand equity. This is the brand contribution: the degree to which brand equity plays a role in generating earnings. ■这些利润中,只有一部分可被认为来自品牌资产,这就是品牌贡献:品牌资产在创造利润中所发挥的作用大小。
They will immediately observe that the return on a bond ( the coupon) is fixed, while the return on an equity investment ( the company's earnings) can vary substantially from one year to another. 他们马上就观察到债券的回报(利息)是固定的,而股票投资的回报(盈利)会每年变化极大。
Unlike single proprietorships and partnerships, corporations must report paid-in equity capital separately from accumulated earnings, called retained earnings. 与独资和合伙不同,公司必须把缴入的业主权资本与累积的盈利分开报告,其累积的盈利称为“留存收益”。
And since Chinese investors would probably be content with a return rather lower than the long-term return on US equities given their poor domestic choices, this would provide a prop for the US equity market when earnings are under pressure. 鉴于中国投资者贫乏的国内选择,他们可能会满足于远低于美国股市长期回报率的回报水平,因此这将在美国上市企业盈利面临压力之际,为美国股市提供支撑。
I would consider the German banking system, taken as a whole, to be insolvent if you apply the strictest definition of capital equity capital and retained earnings. 我倾向于认为,如果采用最严格的资本定义(即股权资本和留存利润),那么德国银行业体系在整体上已失去偿债能力。
Tier one capital includes equity and retained earnings but also various types of hybrid debt instruments. 除了股本和留存收益,一级资本还包括各种混合债务工具。
For a decade and more, US companies owned by private equity have had to file earnings reports with the securities and Exchange Commission just like their public counterparts. 十多年来,为私人股本所有的美国企业都和美国上市公司一样,必须向美国证券交易委员会(securitiesandexchangecommission)提交收益报表。
In addition to the above three basic statements, the corporation may prepare other statements such as the statement of stockholder's equity or statement of retained earnings. 除了上述三个主要报表之外,公司还可以编制其他一些报表,如股东权益表、留存收益表等。
All evidences show that either equity financing or debt financing undertakes earnings management through the normal accruals and abnormal accruals. 研究发现,在债务融资和权益融资中都存在利用正常应计项目和异常应计项目进行盈余管理。
Relative Performance, Seasoned Equity Offerings and Herd Behaviors of Earnings Management 相对业绩、股票再发行与盈余管理的群体行为
At present, indexes for enterprising the public-listed companies 'performance are return of equity, earnings per share, net asset per share. 目前评价上市公司经营业绩的主要指标是净资产收益率、每股收益、每股净资产,而对收益质量的重要性认识不够。
According to the models, intrinsic value-book value ratio depends on the cost of capital, return on equity, policy of earnings distribution and time limit of residual income or lifetime of company. 对资本成本、净资产收益率、分红规则和剩余收益存续期对内净率的影响进行了模拟。
Second, ownership concentration, equity balance, as well as earnings quality measure selection will be some subjectivity, bias may result. 其次,股权集中度、股权制衡以及盈余质量衡量指标的选取上会有一些主观性,可能会使结果产生偏差。
The theoretical analysis and empirical analysis shows that private equity can really affect earnings management by improving corporate governance. 本文通过理论分析与实证分析验证了私募股权的支持可以对盈余管理产生影响。
Second, the equity nature of earnings quality is positively correlated. 第二、股权性质与盈余质量正相关。
The primary source of funds is the owners 'equity and retained earnings. That is to say, the internal financing is currently the main source of private funds. 民营企业的主要资金来源是业主的自有资金和留存收益,内源融资是目前民营资金的主要来源。
The first part is theory framework of the private equity and earnings management, including chapter I to chapter IV, discussed the research background, and the theory of private equity and earnings management. 第一部分私募股权与盈余管理理论框架,包括第一章至第三章,讨论文章的研究背景、私募股权与盈余管理理论分析。
According to the domestic and abroad studies, this paper will begin with the private equity to study the relationship with earnings management. 综合国内外研究,本文将从私募股权的角度出发,研究其与盈余管理的关系。
This paper also enriches the theory of the impact of private equity to earnings management. 本文系统分析了私募股权如何影响盈余管理的因素,丰富了私募股权对盈余管理影响的理论分析。
This means that the equity incentive motivation inevitably induce earnings management as a contract, should by extending the duration of the incentives to curb earnings management as a whole. 这意味着在股权激励作为契约动机不可避免诱发盈余管理的情况下,应通过延长整个激励方案的持续时间抑制盈余管理。
The results showed that: the degree of equity incentive was a significant positive correlation with earnings management in Vanke Co., Ltd. Then we draw equity incentive induced earnings management behavior. 结果表明:万科的股权激励程度与盈余管理程度呈显著正相关关系。以证明股权激励诱发了盈余管理的行为,最后分析盈余管理为企业带来的不利影响。
Using multiple linear regression model to verify the relationship between private equity and earnings management. Then explain the results of regression. 用多元线性回归模型对私募股权与盈余管理的关系进行验证,对回归结果进行分析。
Above this it shows that the irrational SEO behavior of listed companies in China, its financing way and size options appear irrational have important relationship with the equity structure of listed companies, earnings trend and debt paying ability and the market reaction and SEO type. 以上说明,我国上市公司的股权再融资行为,其融资方式选择与规模呈现非理性,与上市公司经股权结构、盈利趋势与偿债能力及市场反应方面有着重要的关系。